Stand in the Park, Manchester
Please join us every Sunday morning for good chat with good friends.
At parks around Manchester.
Every Sunday, 10am – 12pm.
Rain or shine. If rain bring an umbrella.
Stand in the Park started in Australia in 2020 as a reaction to the lockdowns. We couldn’t enter cafes, pubs etc to meet. So we had to meet outside, where they couldn’t stop us.
Although the lockdowns are long gone now, we kept the spirit alive, meeting with like minded people every Sunday for open discussion.
Alexandra Park, Hulme / Whalley Range
Meet on the bench in front of the Pavillion Cafe, facing the lake, in the South of the park.
M16 8PJ
Free parking on Demense Road.
Buses 85 85A 101 102 103 720 728 739 743.

Bruntwood Park, Cheadle
Meet by the Kiosk by the playground, in the middle of the park.
SK8 1HX.
Still going strong, we haven't missed a meet since August 2021.
Buses 42C 740 758 812.

Vernon Park, Stockport
At the Bandstand in the West of the park, SK1 4HS, near New Zealand Road.
Buses 364 383 845.

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